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Dear Kurt

Dear Kurt, I’m not sure I’m ready to put this into words but I know if I don’t try I’ll continue regretting not putting into wor...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

I Am Not My Trauma

I have finally found the source of my hurt and of my pain, which is also the place in which my anxiety and PTSD reside. There is a space within me that reacts with such an intense and emotional ferocity that I separate myself  from reality most of the time, because 'reality' becomes just too frightening and in a sense, my brain protects me by disassociating; It is terrifying... It is debilitating... However, I can honestly and confindently say that 16 years later, it is finally starting to slow down.
The source of all of my own personal pain is simply not a thing or an object. The source of all of that pain is that of a person and her name is Crystal, she is 12 years old and she lives right in the exact space where my belly also is. She has been there a very, very long time and I am finally able to be strong enough to see her and to also help her.

A few weeks ago, I woke up one morning and instantly I just felt her there and it was clear as day. She was a dark and shadowy little figure, curled into the fetal position and lying on her side. She was scared, alone and I could see her with my minds' eye, as if she were right there in front of me.
My mind has finally began to separate itself from the trauma that I had to experience as a child and mind is finally strong enough to understand that

"I am not my trauma." For years, when my mind and body would be hijacked by PTSD, I would try to separate myself from it. In those moments, when it felt like I was being completely eaten alive by such terror, it was just simply quite impossible to do anything except seek support from my foster parents and try to ride it out.

For the most part, however, I have started to separate from my trauma. I know that my 30-year-old self is strong, fearless and safe, whereas my 12 year old self is a small, terrified and traumatized child who is apart of me, but she is not me.

I have found the power within myself and I have stopped giving it away to other people. It is my belief, that had I not taken the time and also the space to reclaim myself, as well as my power- This incredible shift into this new phase of healing, definately would not have been possible. When I began to visualize my 12-year-old self and all of the realizations that also came with this slowly began to solidify and in that moment of self clarity I knew just exactly what I had to do...

I had to keep this child safe. I had to reassure her that she matters, her feelings matter and most importantly, that she is absolutely not invisible. I am re-parenting the parts of myself that need to be soothed, with a gentle peace and patience. This is the single most important thing that I have done on this long and winding road towards my own healing journey. I have finally began to walk down a different road and this road will absolutely lead me toward the healthiest future that I can imagine. Although, I have imagined this beautiful future before, but until now, I was certain that it was even real or possible, for that matter.7p 

I knew instinctively the things that I needed to do to begin this process of caring for the burdened child within myself. I began speaking to her out loud and it felt really silly, awckward and even embarrassing at first (even though I was doing it in private). However, after some time, I got used to the sound of my own voice, simply just reassuring her in gentle tones that her feelings of anxiety mattered and that I would keep her safe. I also knew exactly when she needed that reassurance. As soon as I started to notice the anxiety building up within my body, I would speak to her and I would just also let her know that she was safe. I began to sit calmly and whisper to her with my hand on my belly and the anxiety would slowly fade- Instantly. After a few moments went by: Silent, peaceful tears would run down my face as I sat there, while I was acknowledging the deep, decades-old part of me that just needed to feel heard and also needed to just be loved.

I am still practicing these things daily and I will more than likely do this for the rest of my life.  They are so simple and they come so easily to me. My 12 year old self is not lying curled up in a ball in a dark corner any longer.

I can now visualized her sitting up and placing her hands on an invisible wall; She is curious, she is beginning to trust me and I am just how much love that she needed as a child, who was taught that feeling scared, sad or worried was unacceptable. She was taught that she needed to be tough, she needed to put on her armor and take care of everyone in her family.

Her childhood was derailed at age 14, but her childhood stopped completely five months later when she watched him die the first day that she had ever met him before or spent any amount of time with him. Due to this, she was forced to remain in fostercare placement until she would age out at the age of 18.

I am 30 now. I have experienced more trauma in my life that I will work through eventually, but this is my big work. Right now. My aching, broken parts will always live within me. My trauma and my grief will always be a part of who I am. But now, I can heal them, keep them safe, and love them in the ways that I was not loved when I was actually a child so many years ago; That small, scared child can relax now; she can let go of worry. She can let go of the exhaustion of trying to hold it together and take care of everyone else because it is my turn to take care of her.

Just recently, I found the poem below that I wrote at age 16. I remember writing it as my essay in junior high. At the time I had no idea what it meant,  but it came from somewhere buried deep inside of me. However, 16 years later, I believe that I finally know exactly what it all means...

"Fare Thee well, my little friend! It has been a long time since I have let you out to play; To dance in the wind and to also soak up the sunshine, with your curly brown hair. You grew cobwebs- While being left all alone, in a dark, desolate corner... Just crawling with shadows.
My precious child, just hold on for now. Soon- I will return, to knock on your door...
                                                                                                     ...To play in the sunshine."

Friday, February 21, 2020

     Stop Writing The End Of Your Story,  
Before You Even Have A Chance To Live It

I hope that you pause in the middle of the love that you are in and just soak it all up. I hope that you drink in the words, the embrace, the warmth, the joy and I hope that you also feel it with every single ounce of your entire being. Sit with them, look at them, listen to them simply and love them. When you stop to enjoy the relationship that you have, you will fight that much harder for it and you will also put that much more energy into it, as well.

I hope that you have the courage to change your job if it is making you miserable. I hope that you do not accept your employment as a period on your sentence; Do the research, make plans, start digging deep into what you really want to do, what is responsible to do in your season of life and simply just act accordingly.

" I hope that you stop writing the end of your story,
before you even have a chance to live it. "

I hope that you quit believing the lie that you have to follow in the footsteps of your family. I hope that you hear me when I say that their fate does not have to be your own. Just because they did a certain thing, made a specific choice or acted a particular way does not mean that you have to do the exact same thing. I hope that you know that there is a fire within your belly that has nothing to do with where you may or may not have came from and that is perfectly fine. Above all, I hope that you have the courage to let it burn bright.

Where there is a blank page, there is a potential for a masterpiece and I hope that you think of your life as that blank page. I hope that you fill those pages with thousands of words. I hope that you brighten them with color, with doodles, with drawings and also with dreams. I hope that you create your very own masterpiece every single day and I hope that you turn the page when you need to do so. 

In my own personal opinion, I think that people write for many of the same reasons, but I think that people also write for many different reasons, as well. I stopped and thought for a second: "Why do I write? Why did I choose this or did this simply just choose me?" It sounds really corny to me, but my life seems to have pointed in the direction being that writing chose me. However, I also know that I tend to give things meaning because well, I need meaning in my own everyday life. From a girl who could have done many different things in life; From law to business, but I think that I just sort of fell into writing; That I became a writer, because I “failed at everything else.” That statement is only half-true.

  • So I have been thinking about the main reason as to why I write today. Although I have the ability to summarize my reasoning 140 words or less, i just do not think that really gets to the heart of it, not quite anyways. So as I sit at the desk that I have been pondering this idea and what I was going to write about for most of the day. while also contemplating why that I write and why that I want to continue writing, here is what I have come up with this afternoon :
  •  I have a voice -

A voice that I think speaks for so many people who often times might just simply feel invisible and un-represented in the world. I think that people who know what it is like to feel different and who also do not quite know how to put it it into words, those people connect with me the best.

  • I have a duty -
I believe that each human being has a responsibility to other human beings. I have a special love for human beings who so often go unheard, whose voices often get drowned by the people who are the loudest and to these humans, I believe that my life has take me to a place where I can advocate not only for them, but also for us. My intention was never to speak FOR people, my intention was and probably always will be to speak alongside them.

  • I believe in the power of words -
I believe that work must be in the service of mankind. I believe that God or whatever keeps this universe spinning, gives people certain talents and also certain experiences in order to fulfill, to achieve or touch the human heart; Whether it be their own or another persons' heart and in the end- Even if I am only starting out as a writer, I believe that words have the power to change you and I.

I write because I believe that this is part of my calling in life. I write because I have so much to learn in and with the world. I write to hear my voice and to hear the voices of other people. I write to fill a void... To fill many voids. I write for release, I write to find a purpose and I write because I can; But above all, I write because I feel like i have to do so.
And I feel as if I do not write, then who will write the stories that the world needs to hear?
I write because it is my joy, my pain, my fear and it is also my hope.
I write because it is my ultimate destiny. 

Read This When You Are Going Through The Loss Of A Loved One

We are never actually ever quite prepared to lose somebody for good, that may or may not be so close to us and also i our lives; To never be able to talk to them, to never be able to hear their voice, to be able to tell them how we might feel about them or in general.  I do not think that anything is definate as death and I do think that we are ever quite able to go through something like this. We all know that life is a present that we are given without requesting and it can and will be taken from each and every one of us without so much as even a notice in advance, but i know that we like to believe that death is something that is just happening to other people and never to us.

Our family and our friends are immortal to us and they will live as long as we do, but unfortunately sometimes this only happens in our memory or our imagination.

A little over a month ago, my best friend in this entire world lost his life unexpectedly and I can still remember the feeling as if somebody just pulled the earth from underneath of my very own feet and just through me straight into the wall with great force and also with the speed of light. Every little thing that I had thought was so important, suddenly became insignificant; Not being loved back? Betrayed by friends or family? A broken nail?

All of those things are no longer important when you are facing a devastating tragedy. We so often hear our elders talk about how important health really is, but we also tend to think that it is only because they are old, that we are the Peter Pan generation and that we will forever be young and beautiful. However, sometimes a reality check is made by getting hit by a gigantic asteroid straight into the head and then do we begin to realize that someday, we are going to become those people. Maybe you do not show it quite yet or maybe your age just is not as high, but I think that your soul does. Until this happens to you, only the do you start to realize just how fragile life and happiness truly is.

After that moment, it is all a rush of emotions; From denial to anger, from pain to despair and back, from hate to sleepless nights. You even turn to all of the Gods and simply just ask for a change in history, but nothing happens and the days keep passing by.

As time passes, wounds begin to heal, never completely but they definitely hurt a lot less. There is no bigger bullshit than the one saying, " you are now a stronger person or that life gave you a lesson and you survived." Personally, I just simply do not find myself to be any stronger-I find myself less sensible, more arrogant and a lot more detached than I ever was before. I now hate the people who talk shit and also who just do not appreciate what it is that they actually have.

The lesson that I learned has been a tough one; It is no good and evil, there is no karma and I am still not quite sure if there is even a God, nor if he is good or if he is bad.

We owe it to the people that we have lost to live life to the fullest and to never, ever let them down.
In a way, I hope that these people will reincarnate and be able to possibly live again in a different life, because I absolutely do not like the idea whatsoever that they are just frozen in time while they are looking down onto us.
If you thought that I would give you a list of things that you can try to do to get over this , I am telling you right now that there is none and I know this because I have personally searched and I have searched myself. However, I can tell you what really does work: TIME- Give it time and things will get easier, better somehow, biut never quite the same. You will be a different person, maybe even a better one. On the other hand, I honestly do not know for certain about that, either.
Even in the darkest moments, just try to remember that you are still alive and it is your duty to try to make your life a good one.

None of us know when our time will come and I do not think that a single soul who thought in their last moments that they had lived quite enough.